Monday, April 19, 2010

Karma Restored!

Today was a good day :)

I actually managed to wake up at a decent time even though I went to sleep at 2am, arrived at uni at 8.30am (Great achievement!!) and managed to do all the work I had planned to do.

apart from these trivial, but none the less positive, achievements I had a little surprise waiting for me in the lab this morning. The corrupt data I kept whining about all weekend was miraculously still intact in the lab pc =D

...just to clarify, the pcs we have are really shitty and old, do not have a usb drive and are not connected to the internet so basically the only way to export the data is to save it on floppy when you need to save 20files which are approximately 800kB each on a floppy the obvious conclusion is that you need to zip them.  But winzip decided he wanted to piss me off so he fiddled a bit with the data in some of the files.

anyway I'm glad the data is safe and sound in my laptop finally

now all I have to do is work on my synopsis and literature review...Yipppy!! : /
...7days to the handing in of synopsis and lit rev
...35 days to the handing in of the final version of the thesis
...58days to the thesis presentation/viva ie the end of my B.Mech.Eng
...and time!!
after Olevels I cancaned all along republic street
...this time it's going to have to be something WILD!

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